Homemade Lye Soap

Our Soap Recipe

This has been converted for a 3lb batch of soap:

Olive oil 12.3oz

Palm oil 10.5oz

Coconut oil 7oz

Rice Bran oil 3.5oz

Castor oil 1.8oz

Water 12.3oz

Sodium Hydroxide 4.9oz

“But who can endure the day of His coming?
And who can stand when He appears?
For He is like a refiner’s fire
And like launderers’ soap.  -Malachi 3:2



 I started to make our own soap about four years ago. I am self-taught when it comes to doing cold processed soap. I had to learn so many things the hard way, but I came to learn that making your own soap is cheaper and not hard at all. The bonus is you know what is in your soap, and this is a fun project to do with our homeschooled children. 

I will list what I personally do step by step, however; please do your research and do not be afraid to experiment. Please utilize instructions and recipes from Pinterest, YouTube, and I found using a soap lye calculator to be very helpful. 

Step 1: Measure out water into a heat safe container.

Step 2: Pour in the lye into the water and mix until dissolved. DO NOT do lye first then water, it will EXPLODE all over. (Think about Mentos with Coke, but with boiling hot water!)

Caution!! Do not breath in the fumes, when the water mixes with the lye it cause a exothermic reaction to take place. The water heats up to over 200 degree Fahrenheit and fumes are released that irritates the mucous membranes. Stay in a well ventilated area while doing this. Wear protective gear such as googles and long sleeve shirts. 

Step 3: Measure out you oils in another heat safe container. You can either melt down these oils or do like I do which is mix in the lye while it is still hot to melt the oils. If the lye and the oils are the same temperature, of anywhere around 75-80F, you will have more time to decorate and do designs with your soap before it starts to saponify. 

Step 4: Once lye solution is mixed and the oils are ready. Pour the lye solution into the oils carefully. At this time you can add colorants, additives such as kaolin clay, and fragrance or essentials oils. 

Step 5: With a whisk or (for faster results) use a emulsion blender, mix the oil and lye solution together. When the separation of the oil and water is no longer evident and the mixture slightly thickens, it is time to pour into your molds. 

Step 6: Wait anywhere from 24-48 hours to unmold and cut. The finished product must air dry for at least 4 weeks to make a nice hard soap, ready for use. 

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